
Powerful Pharmacy Management
Software That Works Hard So
You Don’t Have To.

Schedule a Demo and Learn how PrimeRx™ can streamline operations and free up your time to focus on pharmacy growth.

Browse PrimeRX Software ‘s Key Features

The Pharmacy Landscape is Constantly Evolving. So is our software.

We are proud to deliver solutions that make a difference and help make it easier for pharmacists to succeed.


Automated Refill Management

The refill process is completely automated and easily managed. Pharmacists can order refills directly from a patient’s record, via a prescription number, or through a bar code scan. A customized Refill Dashboard allows “at-a-glance” visibility into key refill metrics.

Automated Inventory Management

Retail Pharmacies benefit from automated inventory management, detailed patient records, NDC integration, and facilitated regulatory compliance.

Dispensing Management

End-to-end automated dispensing. Our solution seamlessly manages the entire dispensing process with the highest levels of efficiency and accuracy. From prescription intake to queue management to label generation, the entire process runs like clockwork – leaving pharmacy staff more time for patient engagement.

Multiple Inventory Management

Pharmacies can track and manage multiple inventories via unique inventory “buckets” — all within the PrimeRx operating system.

Medication Conflict Management

The system recognizes potential medication conflicts and generates a pop-up red flag alert. This warns the pharmacist about possible unsafe medication combinations, and helps prevent serious mishaps.

Patient Engagement

Pharmacies can maintain extensive patient health histories and medication records. This includes prescription drug records, supplement usage, immunizations, pharmacist notes, eCare Plans, and clinical assessments. Records can be easily updated and are readily accessible.

Why PrimeRx?

First, for your community

Our focus on the relationship between the patient and pharmacist ensures the highest levels of medication adherence. We provide a set of patient engagement tools that enhance patient communication and therapeutic outcomes.

First, for your pharmacy

With over 30 years of experience we understand the pain points of pharmacies and provide solutions that give them the tools to succeed on their terms.

First, for your future

Pharmacists are on a journey that requires regular and well-considered evolution. By embracing the technology of tomorrow, we guide pharmacies into the future.

Awards & Recognition


Discover the impact of PrimeRx on pharmacies straight from the source – our valued customers.

Heba Macksoud and her husband Yousry Macksoud opened Plainsboro Pharmacy 18 years ago. Watch their firsthand experience with PrimeRx!

What other clients say about PrimeRx

“Our pharmacy has been using PrimeRx for 15 years. The system is user-friendly and straightforward to learn. The customized report writer helps us create drug dispensing, financial and inventory reports. The option to select specific fields to generate custom reports is a plus for analyzing data.”

Bindu Katuri

Owner, Acorn Pharmacy, Dallas, Texas

“Thank everyone for doing such an incredible job with our implementation. Your team's level of understanding PrimeRx, patience, responsiveness, and ability to answer questions in a way our staff could easily understand made all the difference in a successful launch. Our team has been able to adapt quickly, and the stress levels have been low. I am very grateful for all your team's help.”

Erin Mellershki, PharmD, CSP

Chief Clinical Offer, Sr. VP of Operations, Cottrill's pharmacy

“The industry is changing every day, which means technology needs to keep pace, and PrimeRx really seems to embrace this.”

Priyank Patel

Multi-Store Owner

PrimeRx software key features.


Automated Refill Management

The refill process is completely automated and easily managed. Pharmacists can order refills directly from a patient’s record, via a prescription number, or through a bar code scan. A customized Refill Dashboard allows “at-a-glance” visibility into key refill metrics.


Compounding pharmacies benefit from automated inventory management, detailed patient records, NDC integration, and facilitated regulatory compliance.

Dispensing Management

End-to-end automated dispensing. Our solution seamlessly manages the entire dispensing process with the highest levels of efficiency and accuracy. From prescription intake to queue management to label generation, the entire process runs like clockwork – leaving pharmacy staff more time for patient Engagement.

Multiple Inventory Management

Pharmacies can track and manage multiple inventories via unique inventory “buckets” — all within the PrimeRx operating System.

Medication Conflict Management

The system recognizes potential medication conflicts and generates a pop-up red flag alert. This warns the pharmacist about possible unsafe medication combinations, and helps prevent serious mishaps.

Patient Engagement

Pharmacies can maintain extensive patient health histories and medication records. This includes prescription drug records, supplement usage, immunizations, pharmacist notes, eCare Plans, and clinical assessments. Records can be easily updated and are readily accessible.

Refill Compliance Dashboard

At-a-glance access to your pharmacy’s most important information. Pharmacists no longer have to jump between screens to access critical information. Instead, information is readily available, and can be customized for your pharmacy’s specific preferences.

Report Generation

Customized reports can be generated that detail a broad range of pharmacy activities. This allows a pharmacist complete visibility into all aspects of the pharmacy, including areas that are working well, along with opportunities for improvement.

Task Manager

The system’s task manager allows you to set reminders and build a “to-do” list.

Workflow Efficiencies

Automate essential pharmacy workflows for improved efficiency! The system seamlessly manages processes including dispensing, refills, inventory, claims, compliance, and data backup. The system is extremely user-friendly, with most tasks accomplished in a matter of seconds.

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